Friday, November 23, 2012

ökosemiootika tarkus

"... the function of poetry ... is to nourish the spirit of man by giving him the cosmos to suckle. We have only to lower our standard of dominating nature and to raise our standard of participating in it in order to make the reconciliation take place. When man becomes proud to be not just the site where ideas and feelings are produced, but also the crossroad where they divide and mingle, he will be ready to be saved. Hope therefore lies in a poetry through which the world so invades the spirit of man that

he becomes almost speechless,

and later

reinvents language."
Francis Ponge, The Voice of Things

"Perhaps that old pair of antagonists, science and poetry, can be persuaded to lie down together and be generative after all."
William Rueckert,  Literature and Ecology

" [Poets] have never had any doubts about the seriousness and relevance of what they are doing..."

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