Friday, October 26, 2012

ökosemiootika reede

"..the meaning-carrier 'friend' has turned into the meaning-carrier 'food'.."
(Jakob von Uexküll, "The Theory of Meaning")
okou :(

"The microscopist looks to see whether the motions of a little creature show any purpose. If so, there is mind there"
(Winfried Nöth, "Ecosemiotics and the semiotics of nature")
Uurija vaatab mikroskoobist, kas pisikese olendi liigutused on põhjuslikud. Kui on, on selles pisikeses siputavas olendis teadvus. Maailma nunnuim avastus!

"semiotic imperialism"

"Mind is not only in humans, but also in their natural environment. Peirce did not even believe in a dualism between matter and mind. Instead, he defended the general principle of continuity from nature to mind, which he called synechism. Instead of an opposition, there is contuinity between the mind and the natural environment." 
i'm getting my mind blown here. or my  m a t t e r  blown?!

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