see juhtub vaid harvadel hommikutel, erilise selguse saavutanud virgumishetkedel; hommikutel, kus soov on ületanud tahte ja vajaduse, kus tunnen vabastust kinnismõttest ja teadvustan teadlikult valitud suundumist ideaali poole, kus tunnen end piisavalt väärilisena, tugevana,
kus olen saavutanud hetkelise vabaduse sõltumisest ja kammitsaist,
kui luban endale tassitäit kohvi meega.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
käisin eile kunstnike liidu majas jevgeni zolotko uut tööd vaatamas (täna avatakse, minge). seisin seal pööningul tuuletõmbes, lugesin piiblikirja ja vaatasin valgeid paberraamatuid ja leppisin endaga, leppisin mõttega, et see on kunst kui keskkond ja suutsin veidi rohkem lahti lasta pahameelest, mis mul kunsti suhtes tekkinud on, millest need perfokad sündinud on, isegi pahameel kontseptuaalse kunsti vastu lahtus veidi (kuigi jevgeni pole kontseptuaalne kunstnik), sest see tundus päris tervislik keskkond, vaimses mõttes tervislik koht kust olla - kunsti sees. kuidagi rahustav, selge. ja siis.. astusin peale maas vedelevale tuviskeletile. praksaki! lajatas reaalsus lagipähe. jäi üle vaid kaduda, alakorrusele veini jooma.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
half a letter to sassa
Hey! How's life in Gezellig Town?
Life's been oddly crazy here lately. The lecture series is running smoothly, yesterday we had to end the discussion by forcing on an applause, because the key keeper lady came to the classroom and said the building is going to be locked up in a few minutes... I proceeded with the lecturer and with his friends (the older generation of Tartu artists), who casually had drank two bottles of red wine during the lecture in the first row, to the studio of one of them, in the house of Tartu Artist Society... also, I spent the last week in Poland with one of my best friends and partner in art, Kristino, participating in a workshop. We built a sauna with a few finnish dudes, cos there was just toooooo much talk about art going on, to the level of overconceptualizing everything, that we just wanted to do something real.. however, Kristino and I also made a performance, where we just talked in front of the audience as we had been talking in our room the whole week about what we think about stuff, and it made some laugh, some angry, but in the end of the performance, in the meta-analysis part, we forbid everyone to start talking about our thing right after it and just escaped back to our room, took our messy table that we had used with us and were ready to listen to our crew's opinion not before the late night when me, her and one of our Finnish friends had long been hiding in our room from all the art talks, drinking beer and eating sunflower seeds, when all of our crew came do to the same, crashed in our room and the Johns, two incredibly smart Americans with completely different artistic backgrounds said: this was sooooo great what you did, i'm so proud of you, BUT never do this again. too intriguing. yet, your skill in sending criticism through comedy is really good, but you should rather focus on helping people rather than just saying what you don't like. and of course, how much we tried to hide from discussing art, a 4-hour-long discussion followed. that was the intellectual peak of the workshop and the next morning, i could speak no more..
veinijoojate eest semiosalongis sain järgmisel hommikul osakonnalt pahandada, aga nüüd on kõik korras, kolime Nälga;
poolas käisin MoKSi kaudu, projekt Ground 5, lennuki ja mitte häälega
rääkimispohmakas laupäevahommikul suubus peoks suvalises poznani baaris, kus kristinoga ööks tantsupõrandale pühendusime, vaid korra, pärast keskööd baarist vett küsima minnes, kui kaheksa sloti puudumise tõttu peaaegu vastu näppe oleksime saanud, vajusime vestlusesse olukorda päästma tulnud ukraina kunstnikuga, kellega jutt ei lõppenud enne, kui tema meiliaadress pisikesel paberiribal mu rahakoti vahel oli
Life's been oddly crazy here lately. The lecture series is running smoothly, yesterday we had to end the discussion by forcing on an applause, because the key keeper lady came to the classroom and said the building is going to be locked up in a few minutes... I proceeded with the lecturer and with his friends (the older generation of Tartu artists), who casually had drank two bottles of red wine during the lecture in the first row, to the studio of one of them, in the house of Tartu Artist Society... also, I spent the last week in Poland with one of my best friends and partner in art, Kristino, participating in a workshop. We built a sauna with a few finnish dudes, cos there was just toooooo much talk about art going on, to the level of overconceptualizing everything, that we just wanted to do something real.. however, Kristino and I also made a performance, where we just talked in front of the audience as we had been talking in our room the whole week about what we think about stuff, and it made some laugh, some angry, but in the end of the performance, in the meta-analysis part, we forbid everyone to start talking about our thing right after it and just escaped back to our room, took our messy table that we had used with us and were ready to listen to our crew's opinion not before the late night when me, her and one of our Finnish friends had long been hiding in our room from all the art talks, drinking beer and eating sunflower seeds, when all of our crew came do to the same, crashed in our room and the Johns, two incredibly smart Americans with completely different artistic backgrounds said: this was sooooo great what you did, i'm so proud of you, BUT never do this again. too intriguing. yet, your skill in sending criticism through comedy is really good, but you should rather focus on helping people rather than just saying what you don't like. and of course, how much we tried to hide from discussing art, a 4-hour-long discussion followed. that was the intellectual peak of the workshop and the next morning, i could speak no more..
veinijoojate eest semiosalongis sain järgmisel hommikul osakonnalt pahandada, aga nüüd on kõik korras, kolime Nälga;
poolas käisin MoKSi kaudu, projekt Ground 5, lennuki ja mitte häälega
rääkimispohmakas laupäevahommikul suubus peoks suvalises poznani baaris, kus kristinoga ööks tantsupõrandale pühendusime, vaid korra, pärast keskööd baarist vett küsima minnes, kui kaheksa sloti puudumise tõttu peaaegu vastu näppe oleksime saanud, vajusime vestlusesse olukorda päästma tulnud ukraina kunstnikuga, kellega jutt ei lõppenud enne, kui tema meiliaadress pisikesel paberiribal mu rahakoti vahel oli
Friday, April 6, 2012
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